AJ looks like a soldier. 

Tall, strong, and confident with Navy tattoos up and down both arms created quite the impressionable entrance on his first day of our summer Intro to IHOPKC internship. AJ had only been walking with the Lord for just under two years at this point. He’d already undergone a remarkable transformation in that short time and was preparing to go to the Middle East as a missionary to some of the darkest places on earth. But first, AJ felt led to take a consecrated season of prayer, fasting, and seeking the Lord. We are so glad that he did and are amazed at the work that the Holy Spirit did in his life in three months. Several of our staff had the privilege to walk with him as the Lord brought conviction over addictions, touched his heart with grace, and marked him for a life of wholehearted love. We had the honor of seeing him read through the Bible for the first time and spent long hours in prayer together. After finishing our internship, AJ decided to extend his time of preparation before heading overseas knowing that a life rooted in intimacy with Jesus and holiness of heart would be necessary to face the difficulties of the mission ahead. Now our fall internship has started with 25 new interns joining us for this track. We are excited to see how the Lord will use this time to mark their hearts with wholehearted love for Christ!

The school outreach, Minding the Gap, is now in three schools with 120 students enrolled–and growing!–between our mentoring program and Bible club. One of our greatest joys is seeing students from last year who still remember the songs, verses, and stories. Pray with us for lasting fruit in these young lives and that more volunteers would join as we are in desperate need of them!

Home life is as crazy and wonderful as always. Rebecca has begun homeschooling Gabriel and he is learning so much (including how to ride a bike!). Even at Gabriel’s young age, he has a deep desire for his neighborhood friends to know Jesus and will bring Him up often. Gabe was recently surprised when a girl told him she was going to bite him if he didn’t stop talking about Jesus! We’ve had lots of opportunities to disciple our kids as they walk through the difficulty of being in the world but not of it.

God is on the move as He always is and we are so thrilled to be in His story with you! 


Merry Christmas!


We moved! An answer to prayer.