Merry Christmas!


It’s hard to believe December is here! Looking back over the year, we have learned a lot. God has especially been teaching us more about prayer and abiding daily in Him as He calls us to things that are actually impossible for us to accomplish on our own. In our first full year on staff with IHOPKC, we fell into a routine. All was well until we slipped into autopilot and began working from our own abilities. 

In September of this year, we both figured we needed to drop something. Since we were living with anxiety around how to manage all our commitments, and since that anxiety was creeping into our family and how we treated one another, then surely we were “doing too much”. Quit something. Easy fix, except God was tight-lipped about what thing to quit. I, Rebecca, was having an especially hard time and after a frustrating morning, I drove to the prayer room to sit with Jesus until He spoke. “What do I quit? Tell me, God!” About an hour in, a gentle voice said, “Nothing. I called you to it all.” God began speaking through His Word, reminding me to abide in Him. I really can’t do anything apart from Him. That’s a true daily need, not a placard. Two hours later and peace was flowing through me once again even though my calendar didn’t budge. We serve a very good Shepherd and are re-dedicated to trusting Him for the impossible.


In this last year, we have seen nearly 100 men and women discover a relationship with Jesus that has them actually excited by their life in Christ and the walk with Him. Fueled by that relationship, the interns then re-enter the communities they came from with a passion to represent the Lord there, or are launched into missions at IHOPKC and across the earth. In our outreach to the next generation, we’ve seen over 200 youth reached with the gospel, most of whom had never heard it before. Thirteen kids have given their lives to Jesus and are now being actively discipled to follow Him! For the coming year, we look to enter two more schools to start 180 Club (Bible club) and to continue discipling interns through our roles with Intro to IHOPKC.


Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the sacrifices you have made to enable us to bring the hope of Jesus to many. We are very aware that the reward for this work is shared among all those involved in keeping us here. Keep an eye out for some encouraging video testimonies on Facebook through the month of December to see what you have played a part in!


“New Year” means it’s time to reflect.


AJ looks like a soldier.