“New Year” means it’s time to reflect.

“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.” - John 4:23 (ESV)

The new year provides a natural time of reflection, and like others, we have been reflecting on the “why” for what we do. Once again, we have been stirred by these words of Jesus as He describes the goal of the Great Commission–that He would receive the worship He is due across the earth. In other words, that the first Commandment to love the Lord with all of the heart, mind, soul, and strength, out of the understanding of His love for us, would have first place in humankind’s priorities. One day the work of evangelism and discipleship will be over, but our identity as priests and worshipers to God will last forever.

Our goal over the next year and beyond is to keep this at the forefront of our minds in each of the assignments God has given us as missionaries. As we lead prayer and worship meetings, we would remember the first priority of ministry to God and not see it as a waste of time. As we disciple believers through the internship, it would be for the purpose of producing obedient, love-filled worshipers who then disciple others. As we share the gospel in the schools and streets of Kansas City, it would not stop at salvation prayers but ignite hearts to pursue a deep friendship with Christ forever.


“What about my cousin? Will he be in heaven?”


Merry Christmas!