We moved! An answer to prayer.

In some of our previous letters, we wrote about the unique circumstances that placed us in our current neighborhood and what we believe to be God’s invitation to stay. Our mission is to see the body of Christ living in wholehearted love for Jesus and to set a foundation for the next generation. Living in one of the highest concentrated neighborhoods of single mothers in our nation with somewhere around 30 people in the last year making public commitments to follow Jesus gives us a great opportunity to walk that mission out. We didn’t expect it to look exactly this way, but God likes to make a name for Himself through the surprises. So, we are settling in for the long haul of making Jesus known among our community in addition to (and as a part of) our work with the IHOPKC missions base. Many of the kids we work with in the schools live among us so the work blends well through our different activities.

As part of the settling in process, we have moved two streets down to a home better suited for our family size and health. For a year God has protected us from mold, dead trees hanging over our home, and literally hundreds of brown recluse spiders. We believe the home we have just moved into was a gift straight from Him. It is bigger, in better shape, and cheaper!

Summer is almost over which means that we will be re-entering the schools soon. Please pray for more volunteers to join us in the work. Word has gotten out about what the Lord is doing among the kids and we have several more schools who are asking for help. We recently put on a gala to fundraise for the work and look for volunteers. We are believing God will stir laborers for this. 

Our summer track for the Intro to IHOPKC internship is drawing to a close and we are so excited to see the transformation that has occurred over the track. New believers have been stirred by gaining deeper understanding of the Word, seasoned believers have been awakened again to the gift they have in Jesus, and we as staff have been encouraged by the hunger of those who have given up everything to follow Christ. Jesus reigns and His kingdom continues to come.

Thank you for your prayers, partnership, and your own faithfulness to Him in your spheres of influence. It is our absolute joy to be joined with you in this walk.


AJ looks like a soldier.