Welcome Eden Hope

Born at home weighing 8 pounds exact and measuring 23 inches long, Eden Hope is beautiful.

She was born in her amniotic sac, a 1 in 80,000 chance! May her life be just as rare, being spent in total devotion to Jesus all her days at any cost until He comes to bring the world under His total rule, as in the days of Eden.

We are excited to announce that we will have a short ministry video about our work in South Kansas City available to view on our website by the end of June. We believe this will give a more in depth picture of who we are reaching, how we go about it, and the vital importance of prayer as the foundation of it all. We also believe it will help bring understanding around how our work continues despite the upheaval on our mission base. Whether we like it or not, change is in the air. Some of it is enjoyable, some of it is very difficult, but in all of it we are confident in the Lord’s leadership.

If you did not receive the news around the changes in our work due to the crisis our community is experiencing, we encourage you to visit the “Updates” section on our website to read about it. One primary change is our need to process funds through another organization. We have been approved to process funds through an organization called Modern Day. This organization comes alongside missionaries like us to help in the area of finances. They will send out receipts for donations, issue year-end tax contribution statements, have a great customer support system for any issues you might run into, and hold Gold level status accreditation with the ECFA for transparency around how funds are handled. We believe they will serve us all well. Our giving link on our website now leads to our donation page with Modern Day. We will reach out to each partner personally by phone over the next month to help everyone who desires to continue partnering with us make the switch. If you are not already but would like to partner financially with us, then please contact Tim by email or phone. Contact information is listed at the bottom of this page.

We are so grateful for you! Thank you for standing with us. Your faithfulness and friendship fills us with awe at what God continues to do through believers who work together.


A Summer Filled With Surprises


Say hi to Gold Rush!