A Summer Filled With Surprises


All of our work is rewarding, but few things are more exciting to watch than the transformation of a life in a long lasting and closely connected discipleship setting. Two men and their families come to mind as incredible highlights during this difficult time of ministry for our family. Over the last six months, both have humbled themselves and submitted to God’s work in their lives in order to come out of deeply rooted addictions and destructive behaviors. One nearly lost his wife and kids because of infidelity and brokenness present in both him and his wife. But with God’s empowering grace at work, they took the incredibly difficult step to face their pain, work through trauma, and begin receiving the restoration that Jesus paid for. The other man and his girlfriend gave their lives to Christ recently and are walking much of the same journey. Upon salvation, they stopped living together, plugged into local church discipleship, and are working towards a godly marriage. In the nine years of leading discipleship groups geared towards these things, it has been rare to see such hunger for righteousness!


Baby Eden is a joyful, 15 pound baby at 2 months old (so many sweet cheek chunks to kiss!), and the other kids continue to hit fun milestones. Rebecca is in a season where the Lord has begun another round of healing, bringing up old junk and dealing with current anxieties. Because of this, Tim is taking many of her ministry responsibilities on top of his own to give her time to just heal and mother. Her greatest desire in this season is to love her children well, and to disciple those she interacts with as she simply “does life” (neighbors, co-op friends and families, dance team, etc.) She will not be directing the school outreach this year.


  • Please pray for Rebecca’s full healing.

  • Funding is low, so Tim is adding electrical side jobs to the schedule for now to close that gap. We are in no emergency, but prayers for more partnerships would be appreciated.

  • Minding the Gap begins in September (school outreach). Please pray for prepared hearts to hear God’s word, and wisdom for our leadership team to steward this responsibility well.

  • The Lord seems to have dropped a miraculous opportunity for home ownership in our target area for ministry. Please pray that God would see us through all the hurdles for this to happen.

  • Lastly, we believe we are on the brink of seeing the gospel work in the schools spill over into the families and communities where the kids come from and where we live. We cannot give many details now, but would you pray for a move of God in Ruskin Heights and the Hickman Mills district?

Thank you for continuing to persevere with us in seeing a generation transformed by the love of Jesus. And thank you to everyone who made the switch to our new Modern Day giving platform. We couldn’t do this without you!


The school year is a rollin’!


Welcome Eden Hope