Merry Christmas!

2023: In the past year, we’ve actively engaged in or led over 1,000 hours of corporate prayer meetings out of the understanding that relationship with God and prayer for the lost are the fuel for effective transformation in the world. We’ve also had the privilege of training 47 men and women to live missionally in their contexts in our three month discipleship program called “INTRO” that runs three times a year, and regularly share the Gospel with over 250 kids in and outside of four public schools through our local Minding the Gap outreach. The rewards of these efforts far outweigh the obstacles. We’ve endured demonic oppression, had our home broken into, been chased by dogs, worked through financial troubles, broken up fights between rival kid gangs, and more.

2024: What makes the hardship worth it? Our favorite answer is found in 2 Corinthians 5 where the work of ministry is described as the reconciliation of God and man. And based on Jesus’s words in John 13-17, we see the primary way for that reconciliation to happen through believers walking in loving obedience to Jesus out of intimacy with Him. Our mission is to see that reality continue in our own lives, to bring other believers into it, and to set it as a foundation for those we share the Gospel with. That is why we are committed to another year in this work. In 2024, we will train more volunteers and enter our fifth school with Minding the Gap fall 2024, receive additional training on how to more effectively launch our interns into a missional lifestyle, and sign up again for near daily prayer meetings focused on local, national, and worldwide impact.

THANK YOU: One of our greatest desires is that you would see yourself in this story and understand the reward promised to you as a partner of our ministry. We are so incredibly grateful for the ways you have come alongside us financially, emotionally, and in prayer. We very clearly recognize the team effort involved in building the Kingdom of God. Our story is in part due to you. For that, we are eternally grateful!


An exciting announcement!


Fall has arrived, and with it 12 interns and 250 students!