“I was on my way to kill her.”

Young “G” was about to carry a gun onto a school campus and kill his girlfriend after a bad breakup. Just moments before he exited the vehicle to carry out his plan, G happened to pocket dial his coach. Before leaving his car, he heard the faint voice of the coach answering the call. The mercy of God was at work and the coach was able to talk G off the ledge in the conversation that followed. The experience filled G with a desperation to answer the deeper questions of life, and one year later he confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior at one of our ministry events. We personally had the privilege of baptizing him and have been discipling him for the last six months. He is now a passionate follower of Jesus walking out the sanctification process. Addictions are breaking, rage is being replaced with love, and our front row seat to God’s transforming work in his life has been an incredible joy!

Victory stories like these are one of the tools God uses to give us courage to continue the work we’ve been called to. The past few months have been very difficult in many ways. There have been times when we’ve questioned our occupation, where we work, the people we work with, etc. And yet, through the difficult conversations, sleepless nights, bad circumstances, reframing of organizational structures, and more, the still small voice of the Holy Spirit continues to comfort and lead. More than ever, we have felt the perfection of His leadership.

Would you help us by praying for the following?

  • A smooth delivery for Eden Hope in May!

  • The loving conviction of the Spirit (John 16:8) that leads to life for the Hickman Mills District and neighborhoods. One of those involved in the recent Kansas City Chiefs parade shooting was a Ruskin neighborhood kid, and the nephew of a family we’ve grown to know. We need a miracle of God here!

  • Wisdom and boldness as we walk through some very difficult structural changes in both our work with IHOPKC and the Minding the Gap school outreach as we strive for greater organizational health. We have hard conversations ahead.

  • For the final 25% of funds needed in our vehicle fundraiser.

We are so grateful for you! Thank you for standing with us!


IHOPKC Changes


An exciting announcement!