IHOPKC Changes

Last week we received the difficult news that many of the trainings and ministry expressions of IHOPKC will be closing over this summer with the hopes of restructuring in a healthier way. This comes largely as a result of the crisis we’ve walked through over the last six months caused by the moral failure of leadership. In a letter sent out from IHOPKC Executive Director Joseph Taylor, he writes, “After much prayer and deliberation with the Board, we have come to the conclusion that we will wind down many of the ministry and training expressions of IHOPKC, including IHOPU [the university], Forerunner Church, CEC [the children ministry and summer camps], and Internships. Our ongoing focus as a ministry will remain on the 24/7 prayer room and intercession for Israel.”

First and foremost, our calling before God remains firm. We will continue to work to disciple others into obedient love for Jesus from a place of intimate relationship with Him. We will continue to reach a lost and broken generation from the foundation of prayer.

The changes at IHOPKC does impact how we walk this calling out. These changes are mostly caused by the formal discipleship training of our internship no longer being available. We will no longer have a formal, rotating, three month internship to disciple believers. However, in large part due to the crisis, we now have more informal discipleship outlets than we know what to do with. The upheaval in our community presents a very interesting opportunity to grow in character and maturity (for ourselves as well as those we disciple).

Our commitment to prayer will remain the same. Our work in the schools and the neighborhoods will also remain largely untouched by the changes. Minding the Gap (our outreach to public school students) is now completely separated from IHOPKC as its own ministry entity as of January 2024.

Another point of impact is in our finances. As a result of lost partnership and a large stipend for our work with the internship ending, we may soon be in about a $1,000 per month deficit from our goal budget. We are not in an immediate emergency, but we may need to do a partnership trip soon (or follow whatever other plan God might have).

Additionally, we need to process funds through another ministry platform as IHOPKC will no longer be able to do so after June 30th. We will reach out to partners in the coming weeks to walk through the process of switching over to our new giving platform.

In conclusion, change is in the air but our mission remains the same! There has been a variety of negative and positive emotions related to this season, but overall we are very much filled with hope. God is at work in all of this. We, and those around us, will be better for walking through His loving discipline. Thank you for all who have stood with us in prayer, given encouraging words, partnered financially, and more. You are vital to our little part in seeing the Kingdom of God being established on earth.

Thank you,

Tim and Rebecca Duitsman


Say hi to Gold Rush!


“I was on my way to kill her.”