Summer Track

“You don’t understand…I almost left the faith.”

This sentence was both surprising and not. When Mariia joined the spring track of our “Intro to IHOPKC” internship, we were all immediately impressed with her devotion to Jesus. She was taking a sabbatical from leading a team of young Christians ministering to the poorest of the poor in a Kenyan orphanage with around 500 children in her care. But through the internship, it became evident that she was missing a key element to the Christian walk. She didn't know God loved her apart from what she did for Him. This deeply affected her relationship with Him, as well as the people around her. We had the privilege of seeing God reveal His love in those months that took Mariia into a friendship with Him that she didn’t know was possible. Her time in our discipleship groups, teachings, and prayer room brought her into an intimacy with Jesus that will sustain her faith and enable her to work from a place of love instead of striving.

The spring track is over and our summer internship has already started. We have 10 new interns from across the world, and we are so expectant at what God will do in and through them. Evangelism in the schools is on break now that summer is here which provides much needed time to focus on raising volunteers and funds for next year. It also provides us with some more flexibility to focus on reaching the kids in our neighborhood called Ruskin Heights. Summer brings an influx of activity and kids on the streets. The harvest is ripe!

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the part you play in it. The Lord is doing so much across the earth, and our prayer is that you know just how significant you are in it. May He continue to cause us all to abound in love and discernment as we serve Him (Colossians 1:9-11).


Robbed for Treasure in Heaven


“What about my cousin? Will he be in heaven?”