Tim Duitsman

I was born in San Diego, California before moving to Dallas, Texas where I spent most of my life. I’m the oldest of six kids, a musician at heart, and love a good adventure. My family of origin loves Jesus and has lifted His name high in both the marketplace and in missions around the world. I am the privileged husband of a beautiful wife and joyful father of five amazing kids. 

Despite growing up in a Jesus centered home, a series of unfortunate events exposed me to things that no young child should experience. This trauma derailed my beginning years. As I grew older, what began as something out of my control became something I chose in my own sin nature. Sexual addiction and substance abuse were the defining aspects of my life as I faked the faith of my family. The pressure of living two separate lives was so great that as I neared adulthood, I became suicidal. But praise the Lord for His mercy! Jesus sent several believers to intervene and after years of intense recovery and discipleship, I am now nearing a decade of sobriety. 

My life passion is to worship God and see others experience the intimate relationship with Jesus that frees from sin and empowers us to obediently represent Him on earth. I am especially burdened for those within the church who have walked in religion without relationship and for the vulnerable child. My family and I reach both as staff at IHOPKC and with Minding the Gap.

Rebecca Duitsman

I was born in Dallas, TX, spent my first seven years as a missionary kid in eastern Europe, and eventually made it back to Texas where I claim to hail. I am one of six kids in a God-loving family. I am married to the best man in the world and have five beautiful kids. For fun, I enjoy meeting one-on-one with other moms, eating cultural foods, and playing card games.

From a young age, I loved Jesus and I knew He loved me too. Unfortunately, I was abused as a little girl and as I got older, I began asking, “Who is God?” and “Who am I to God?”. The Lord led me through healing as He began to show me His faithfulness in the midst of brokenness. He showed me who He is and overwhelmed me with how He sees me. Confident in love, I now desire others who question God’s goodness and their own worth to find healing and freedom in His presence. 

I am hungry for His word and long for His presence. As a mother and Christian, I seek to model devotion for Jesus to those around me, walking with them in their own trials, and praying for revelation of God’s character to be made known. I help direct our work within the Kansas City School system as we recruit and equip teams to share the gospel with youth. It is one of my greatest joys to see the gospel seed planted in the next generation.